"UIPATH 1"="Startup/Shutdown\Startup\Windows NT/2K/XP\60) Windows Launch"
"NAME"="Windows Tour Balloon Popup"
"TEXT 1"="Show Tour Balloon pop-up for all users"
"TEXT 2"="Show Tour Balloon pop-up for current user"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="The first three times a users loggs on, Windows will display a balloon tip in the tray area so the user can start the Windows Tour."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="You can deativate this pop-up here for the current user and all users on this computer. If both items are set, the ALL USERS setting overwrites the setting for the current user."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"